Our club has been built by volunteers. Yes, we have some paid staff. But to function fully, and successfully, we rely on volunteers. It’s what makes Chelsea Nordiq such a special community.
We ask that all members volunteer some time as part of their membership commitment. There are countless opportunities, and many of them do not require ski expertise. Here are some examples:
Ski program coaches/leaders
Trail building/maintenance
Facility regeneration (Riders Roost, Biathlon Range)
Event coordination (Ski Swap, Super Sprints, Cookie Beiner)
Sponsorship and Grant writing
Board director
Organizing committee (provincial & national events)
Wax technician
For the curious, you can read about our volunteer policy here.
If you have a certain area of interest or expertise, we would love to hear from you, so please contact us.

As a volunteer-driven, not-for-profit club we make every effort to keep membership fees and program costs reasonable - within a manageable, balanced budget.
Club income comes from Program Fees, Events, Grants, Sponsors and Private donations.
Besides the cost of running the programs, the club has central expenses such as insurance, infrastructure and coach development.
The board sets the overall budget and makes sure that the club income balances the program and central club expenses.
For any budget questions, please contact us.
For more detailed information about allocation of fees and expenses please click here.