Club President Alana Hennessy Club President Alana Hennessy

Jean Brisson

Jean has been volunteering with various Chelsea Nordiq programs since 2012. His daughters participate in the Adventure, Biathlon and Nordiq Race programs. Jean helps coach the Nordic Adventure program. Following his term as Treasurer he has stepped into the role of Club President. Jean is excited about the future prospects of the club and the role he can play in helping Chelsea Nordiq achieve its goals.

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Club Vice President Nick Anning Club Vice President Nick Anning

Tony Picard

The Picard family joined the club and its community in 2010.  Tony has enjoyed many years of coaching in both adventure and race and has taken pleasure in teaching the “fundamentals” of cross country skiing. 

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Club Treasurer Nick Anning Club Treasurer Nick Anning

Colleen Piercey

Colleen has been part of the Chelsea Nordiq community and a volunteer since 2021. Colleen joined the board and took on the role of treasurer in 2024 where she continues to support the financial goals and operations of the club.

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Club Secretary Nick Anning Club Secretary Nick Anning

Maryse Beaulieu

Maryse has been a member of  the cross country skiing community for years, associated with different clubs in the region. With three kids, the Pharand bunch, who've taken part in Racing, Adventure and Biathlon programs. She' seen firsthand what the club has to offer.

Now that the kids are more autonomous, she has joined the board to help support the club as a whole and contribute to its improvement. Her husband is highly involved with the wax team and supports the team on the frontline. If you see her at events I will be dressed up like a penguin don't hesitate to come chat!

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Adventure Director Alana Hennessy Adventure Director Alana Hennessy

Eric Advokaat

Eric is an avid cross-country skier and his family has enjoyed actively participating in Chelsea Nordiq programs since his girls' bunnyrabbit days back in 2015. With his youngest daughter currently in the Adventure program, and looking to contribute further to the organization, he welcomed the opportunity to become Adventure Director in the summer 2024. Eric's role is to support the Adventure program and its volunteer coaches throughout the season, and to prepare for the next awesome season.

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Director at Large Nick Anning Director at Large Nick Anning

Ray Zahab

Ray Zahab is a Canadian Explorer, ultra distance runner and Founder of non-profit impossible2Possible. A recent recipient of the Meritorious Service Cross of Canada, Ray is an Explorer in Residence of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. In 2015 Canadian Geographic recognized Ray as one of Canada’s Top Explorers. He has run 17,000+km across the world’s deserts, and unsupported expeditions in some of the coldest places on the planet.

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Director at Large Nick Anning Director at Large Nick Anning

Jean-Philippe Doucet

Enthusiastic and passionate skiers, Jean-Philippe and his family are now in their 11th year with Chelsea Nordiq. During this period, JP has supported numerous cohorts of young skiers in their cross-country skiing progression, primarily involved in the Jackrabbit program and the racing program (U10, U12, and U14) as a volunteer coach and coordinator. He has also been a member of the Noram organizing committee for several years. JP is joining the club's board of directors this year as the secretary. His goal is to continue contributing to the development and promotion of Chelsea Nordiq for the benefit of the community.

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Director at Large Nick Anning Director at Large Nick Anning

Sherida McKean

Inspired by the many incredible leaders and community builders Sherida has had the privilege of working with through guiding, outdoor education and the non-profit world, she is now passionate about modeling to youth the value, joy and satisfaction that comes from volunteering in outdoor communities. 

Her family has been involved in Chelsea Nordiq since 2017 in the race program and they are looking forward to continuing to be involved for many more.

As a board member at large Sherida supports with various jobs within the board. 

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Director at Large Nick Anning Director at Large Nick Anning

Ben Piercey

Ben and his family have been members of Chelsea Nordiq since 2019, participating through the Biathlon and Race programs. As a board member Ben is excited to foster the club's evolution as a centre of excellence and to support its welcoming community spirit.More to come…

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Past President Alana Hennessy Past President Alana Hennessy

Meg Garrard

Meg has been part of the club since 2008 and her kids worked thier way from bunnyrabbits through to nordic adventure and nordic race, experiencing jackrabbits, track attack, and biathlon along the way. She is excited to bring her business experience leading non-profits and her experience on other boards to her favourite organization - Chelsea Nordiq!

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